Boy how time flies.
Hard to believe Monkey #1 is already 6. Well technically she isn't until 8:45 this evening. I tried to put off the whole cake and presents thing till then but was threatened with a mutiny from all sides.
Vicky pulled out the stops last night in creating Emelie's cake. Emelie had requested dinosaurs on her cake, (yep, she is still fascinated by dinosaurs). Vicky had been chewing ideas around for awhile how best to do a dinosaur cake. Fortunately having small children and small plastic dinosaurs turned into a plus rather than a late night liability, (something about walking across a dark room and stepping on triceratops with your bare feet...).

Yep, a dinosaur cake, complete with dinosaurs, water, grass, trees and a marshmallow volcano. Emelie was more than pleased with her cake.

Of course her brother and sister had to get into the act. Eli of course was horribly upset that Emelie didn't want or need his help in opening her presents. I had to remind him that he didn't want Emelie's help on his birthday.

And of course, what is a birthday without presents?
Emelie and her loot.

A nice brother who was willing to share his prized GoGo for a day.

Olivia was willing to share her Sara for the day.

Sneaky Mommy and Daddy gave her presents to help with her school! The LeapFrog system is supposed to help turn learning into a game. Maybe that way she will start paying attention.

And Aunt Beth, Uncle Charlie, cousin Sean, and cousin Kathleen contributed to the dinosaur theme.

As I've taken a vacation day today we are heading out to the Heard Museum after lunch. For those who remember last year, the Dinosaur's Alive exhibit is back.

It should be a fun trip!
Since this years dinos were different than last years I figured I'd throw a few of the pictures in from the trip..

We discovered this tree out on the dinosaur trail. It's a great example of a Texas Native Pecan tree... And believe me, the area underneath was loaded with fresh pecans. We spent a good 15 to 20 minutes, picking up pecans, cracking them and picking the meat out of them. I think though that the Heard Museum might frown if we came out with 5 gallon buckets and tried to abscond with all their pecans.

This was a nice example of a spitting dinosaur, fortunately Vicky and I had seen what was going on with this one before we got in range. We were able to convince the kids to wander up nice and close for a real "close" view..

That is all for now...
Look for another post sometime after Christmas.
May you all have a blessed holiday and a Merry Christmas!
Dave, Vicky, Emelie, Eli, and Olivia
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