Last worm of the day!
Well as it was Mother's Day last Sunday we decided to continue an old family tradition of mine. Take the family fishing! That and Vicky had to try out her new rod and reel that she had got as a Mother's day present from the monkeys.
Poor Vicky, I think she maybe got to try her new rod three or four time all totalled. The rest of the time was spent wrangling small children, cane poles, worms, and bluegill. I didn't even bother breaking out my rod as I figured I'd have no chance at all to fish.
Olivia spent the afternoon either trying to tell us it was time to go by putting the worms up, or expressing her frustration by trying to push us into the lake. She was very determined about it. Once she decided the other kids were having fun fishing though she got into the swing of it.
Eli actually was the first on the board with a fish with a little help from Daddy. This caused much upset with Emelie!
Eventually she moved her spot and got into the school of bluegill and started, "Blooper Catching"!
As Vicky and I had torn the deck apart at the house most of the morning and early afternoon I was pretty wiped out. After a couple of hours of fishing I'd decided it was time to go back home.
Emelie decided she wasn't done yet though and started getting upset and wanting just one more worm. Vicky decided that it wasn't worth the fight and the wailing and we baited her up one more time.
She flipped her line out in the water and as the bobber settled I saw it blip a couple of times like it was a small bluegill. I'd already turned around and started to get stuff ready to load up when Emelie started screaming FISHY! FISHY!
I turned around and realized her bobber was no where to be seen and her cane pole was bent almost in two. She was doing her best to just hang on to it. I managed to assist with the pole and once Vicky saw what was on the end of the line, she got ready to go into the lake after it!

All in all, not a bad last worm of the day!
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