Preparedness Pantry Blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

All Hallows Eve...

Last night the Monkeys got to dress up & go out in the neighborhood with Mom for Trick Or Treat! It was a lovely chill night, with clouds and lots of other highly decorated young'uns running about.

However, yesterday was a flurry of trying to get said costumes thought up, designed, constructed etc for at least one Monkey...Originally Monkey3 was to be the old Bear costume. But I decided at the last minute that just wouldn't do! So, I though a bit, and "Pirate" came to mind for her... Perfect! I thought, now can I DO it well, and in time for dinner?

First came the headgear--plenty of hankerchiefs for that! And I found two blue striped shirts with a vaguely nautical flare to them (layered for the cool night). Pants came in the form of some too short fuzzy sweatpants (aka bloomers!). Footwear was originally to be sandals, but with the cool air, I opted in the end for a pair of black ropers. Now what pirate is complete without an eyepatch and sword? I won't go into details on the eyepatch, but there is something amazing about watching a 2yr old navigate in the dark wearing unfamiliar footgear and an eyepatch! The sword was the classic childhood variety, cardboard and tinfoil!

Monkey2 was a little easier, his costume having been decided by his choice the other day and noted in the previous blog. He was Army Guy, aka Marine Guy! Monkey1 was easiest of all, as she wanted to be in the same costume she wore last year, The Terrible Triceratops Rex! Yes, Triceratops Rex, you've never heard of that dinosaur? Neither had I, until she decided it existed, and she was IT!

Here are all 3 Monkeys ready to go out on the prowl for candy!


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