Gads...three years ago today...I KNOW what I was doing. Labor, hard labor, from 6am to 2:28pm without a break! Yeah, today is Monkey#2's birthday, and he is the big 3! Or Fwee, as he pronounces it.
He awoke promptly at 6:45am today, wanting us all to know it was his birthday, and could he have some cake yet? After convincing him he had to wait on cake until his sisters awoke, he was then persuaded to come look at the presents in the laundry basket, I managed another 15min of rest whilst he examined the basket contents.
Not to be denied, he soon rousted up both his sisters. This involved letting Cody the dog lick Monkey#1's feet until she woke up! Yuck! Poor Cody!
Soon we were all scattered around the living room table and the basket of goodies was controlled by Dad. After the cards from both sets of grandparents, it was time for a gift box!

More presents!

And at last...the BIG BOX! Ooh, what is in the BIG BOX? He's not sure, but Monkey#1 vows to help him find out and they both begin ripping the wrapping paper off the BIG BOX! I say it's a big box, 'cause it's darned near as tall as my son! Is this a happy boy, or what?

You see, Monkey 2 is now into airplanes, and Dad found this behemoth at the local Toys R'Us. I'm still deciding if he got it for the birthday boy, or for himself! I think we're going to hang that one in the corner of Birthday Boy's room from some fishing line, and that way the plane won't get destroyed by Godzilla, aka Monkey#3! ( For those not in the know, that's the shortest one, in the red PJ's in the first pic!)
Oh and before I forget, there WAS cake!

Thanks for the pictures! It is great to see your kids. And Eli is three! Time flies. Matthew got his instructional permit today in Atchison. We're zooming here now! Take care. Elizabeth
Cavtrooper and crew
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