And Monkey3 turns 8!
Since MonkeyBoy recently had his birthday, it was time to consider Monkey3's day that was rapidly approaching. She had expressed a desire for ice cream, not cake, so I secretly plotted to get her both--an ice cream cake!
As Dave had to work all day (being junior man on the vacation schedule means no extended holidays...), Monkey3 had to wait ALL DAY to open her gifts! Well, she did confess that she opened the gift from MonkeyBoy the night before. We let the kids wake up with one package, and this time she got a bit of an early start apparently!
Dave also had a secret gift for her that she actually thought had been given to a co-worker's child. (Dave is sneaky!) More on this later...
On to the pictures...
The Trifecta of unders, shorts and socks!
Monkey1 gave her a large fluffy cat...
I gave her the multitool...
Dave and I decided she was ready for her first BB gun, and of course it had to be PINK! (Aargh! Daisy is buring my eyes out with PINK!)
After that, Monkey3 thought that was all the gifts....but guess again! Dave told her he had forgotten one in his car. So he goes out and drags in a reel of nylon webbing...much to her disappointment. Then he relented, and went out and got the gift. Her new bike! Yes, she had seen it before, as Dave and the girls had got to pick it up during Cubscout Twilight Camp, when MonkeyBoy and I were busy. Dave told them the bike was for his co-worker's little girl and that he was going to tune it up and take it to her. So imagine Monkey3's surprise and confusion when Dave wheeled that bike in, for HER! (Hers is the little PINK one....)
Finally after dinner it was time for ice cream cake!
Thanks so much for the pictures Sis! We love to see them!
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