Thoughts on Virginia Tech
I really think most of what needs said has probably been covered, recovered and then covered some more so that most people are sick of hearing of it.
A couple of things really stand out in my mind though regarding this whole thing.
First and foremost, and I know this will come as a shock to most of you reading this. This tragic event could have been prevented by just one more law on the books.
Just one more law and those 32 people who were just beginning their life would still be with us.
Just one more law and those 32 families would not be grieving.
Just one more law and we would not have the face of evil staring out of our televisions 24 and 7.
Just one more law and we would not be enduring this repeated media barrage of the tragedy.
Just one more law is all it would have taken.
Just one more immigration law. That’s all it would have taken. Think about that before buying off on the screaming for more gun control.
Also think on this, The only way to prevent an bad person from using a gun for evil is to put a gun in the hand of a good person. Did you know that just last January the Virginia legislature debated allowing concealed carry license holders to legally carry their firearms on the campus of Virginia Tech? Just how might that one little change in a state law have affected the outcome of Monday’s tragedy?
Another thought, one of the people killed was a 76 year old MAN, Liviu Librescu (and I use that word specifically) who was a survivor of the Holocaust. When confronted with Evil, he barricaded the door with his own body in order to give time for his students to escape out the window. What an incredible example of bravery and of standing tall in the face of evil. He made a conscious decision to oppose the evil he was faced with. He made a conscious decision to stand tall and not cower in a corner and hope it didn’t happen to him. He made a conscious decision to make the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live. I’ve no doubt in my mind that he is standing in Glory before God.
I heard an interview with a male of the species, (and I use that phrase very specifically) who was in a room next door to the shooter. His comment, (and I paraphrase) was, “we heard the shooting and were scared so we tried to hide”. I’ve heard and read reports of how the 30 killed in the class room lined up against the wall, put their hands behind their heads and kneeled down.
I can’t quite understand that mindset. Did no one in the room think to fight back?
Did no one, when the crazy guy with the gun first ran into the room spring into action?
Did no one start throwing books, notebooks, chairs, cups of coffee or sodas at the shooter?
Did no one think to jump up and charge the shooter while he was busy dodging all the stuff being thrown at him?
Did no one think to FIGHT BACK in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE with EVERYTHING possible?
Did no one think that if they could get the crazy guy on the ground and proceed to beat his head into a bloody pulp that he would have been dead and they would be alive?
I pray for those who willingly will stand in harms way to defend the innocent.
I pray for those who willingly answer the call serve to defend us and our freedom.
I pray for those who willingly serve the public whether they are fire, police or ambulance, volunteer or professional.
I pray for our troops who while they may be scared they charge toward the sound of gunfire rather than trying to hide.
I pray for our nation where we have created a generation of emasculated males who would rather cower and hide, than stand and fight against evil.
I pray that those who have been emasculated by their culture and beliefs would wake up, choose to stand tall, and become a MAN in the process.
I pray for the ones and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice and stood tall to defend right from wrong, good from evil, justice from injustice.
And I pray for the ones who will stand on that lonely piece of ground and stare into the face of Satan incarnate and shout back at them, “You shall not pass!”
Semper Fidelis and Semper Vigilo