Well, it's that time of year yet again...
Monkey boy Eli turned 5 last Thursday. He had only been looking forward to it since last Christmas, (something to do with presents I think)...
Vicky did the cake with home made cream cheese frosting. Since Monkey Boy is into all things military his cake had a military theme... Plastic soldiers and a tank battling extra large bugs. It kind of reminded me out of the really bad movie, "Starship Troopers".

His first present was from two of his long time buddies GoGo the turtle and Southwest the sea turtle. They happened to spot a really nice box turtle the last trip to Cabela's that had to follow us home.

Since both Vicky and I were tired of waiting for certain small children to put socks on and find their shoes we decided to get them some slip on shoes that they could put on quickly rather than wait for three hours while they got ready.

Eli was kind enough to get a present for his sisters in order to keep the peace. As you can see, he has more than enough presents to keep him busy.

Here he is with his very on B24 Liberator. Just like he got to crawl through and see up close and personal when we saw the Collins Foundation, (hmmm, that reminds me, I still don't have those pictures up on the blog I think... Opps!)

And here is a present that both Vicky and I decided was a must have. "The Dangerous Book for Boys", link HERE. It looks like it should keep Monkey Boy and myself busy for quite awhile.

Oh boy! Pajamas! At least they were from the movie, "Cars".

Here is something else that is going to keep him busy for awhile... A book on how to make paper airplanes. We've already tried out the Nakamura Lock, it flies extremely well.

Eli also got his very own genuine vintage military surplus poncho liner. Now maybe he will quit stealing mine...

And a whole pile of small metal die cast airplanes. Eli really likes playing with them. Vicky and I really like discovering them left out on the floor in the middle of the night when we are barefoot....

Since Monkey Boy was five this time around it was time for his first real fishing pole. Everybody's favorite reel, the Zebco 202. Now for the weather to get reasonable so we can go feed the bluegill again.

And a present I remember from when I was around his age.... Soaring Sam, a large styrofoam glider. Unfortunately, styrofoam gliders and small children tend to be a recipe for airplane crashes. It's now destined to hang from his ceiling.

His last and final present is probably the most valuable and worthwhile of all. Unfortunately, him being five, it's kind of hard for him to comprehend just what he as been given. The gift he received was FREEDOM. Freedom in the form of the Supreme Court ruling that the right to own firearms is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT. Freedom in the form of once and for all affirming that the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United State, means what it says; "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."