Birthday time at the Monkey Ranch!
Well, it's that time of year again. Seems a whole lot of birthdays happen in June and July. Two out of our three are right in there.
June 26 saw Eli turn seven, neither Vicky or I can believe how fast the time is going. Just seems like yesterday they were in their terrible twos, (wait a minute, the way they have been behaving, maybe they still are!). Olivia turned six on July 5th. She and Eli are our Irish twins, a year and nine days apart. The two of them together always seem to be at the center of any trouble going on here.
They are growing like weeds, I keep trying to figure out a way to keep them right about this age, for the most part they are reasonably helpful with a minimum of attitude and backtalk. Yea, we know, just wait till they turn into teenagers...
Enough words, I know of at least one Grandmother who is threatening dis-inheriting us if we don't post some pictures soon.
Eli and his birthday cake, of course it has Marines and airplanes on it...

A pile of presents..

Oh boy! Clothes! Just what every seven year old wants!

Not my Lego set! These new legos are complicated, (not to mention expensive!)

And a turtle to round out Turtleboy's turtle collection.

On to Miss Olivia's birthday cake. Yep, she not only has a big mouth, she's missing her two front teeth.

Gee! More clothes!

One of her birthday wishes was her very own five rolls of scotch tape, (that way I wouldn't holler when she wasted my tape).

Another kitty cat for her collection.

And a brand new wristwatch that shipped late.

And of course, what kind of birthday party would it be without axe murdering a pinata? And for those wondering, yes that is a real axe!

Here are also a couple of videos of some wild pinata bashing. I am pleased to report no adults, dogs, or children were seriously hurt or maimed during the making of these videos. Hopefully the videos will load, you should be able to click on them and they should play.